DMC Plumbing & Heating

Plumbing problems are not just winter concerns of bursting pipes or broken water heaters, they can happen any season of the year – including summer. Which is why DMC Solutions wants to help you avoid pesky plumbing problems, and better ensure the remainder of your summer is seamless and hopefully sunny!

Washing Machine Overload

We get it – laundry in the summer seems more endless than any other season, with bulky beach towels and wet swimsuits, as well as the endless change in your kids’ outfits. So washing a lot of things at one time might seem preferable, but the truth is – is that your machine can only handle a certain amount of items and your clothes will only be as clean as your washing machines capabilities.

Not only that, but overloading your washing machine can add undo stress to it, and have it breaking down sooner than later. So as much as it seems like a waste of time and water to split up your laundry loads, by doing so you could be saving on time-consuming repairs and added cost in the long run.

Garbage Disposal Cautionary Tales

Broken down garbage disposal might be one of the most common summer plumbing concerns, as many fresh fruits and vegetables are being consumed and some people mistakenly think it can act as a compost.

So keep in mind that your garbage disposal wasn’t intended to chop up hefty cornhusks, or do away with various fruit pits, or bones from your latest BBQ …those types of items should be composted and/or tossed to naturally biodegrade.

As well, ensure you are not pouring hot grease down your sink or disposal, as this too can create clogging concerns.

“My Air Conditioner is Melting!”

A “melting” (dripping) air conditioner is another common complaint over the summer months, and usually it is not until this time that people call for help. Which is actually unfortunate as damage has already occurred, and instead of a maintenance call – it’s a repair call.

As well, keep in mind that if there is water dripping from your air conditioner, that also means there is water lying within it. If left unchecked, this stagnant water can become a haven for mold and mildew – and a moldy air conditioners does not a healthy home make

So in order to save on cost ad health concerns, simply set your reminder to have your air conditioner cleaned at the beginning of summer, and if you haven’t yet done so with the unseasonably chilly weather – call us now to do so.

DMC Plumbing aims to keep your plumbing and air conditioner in good working order, whether you require emergency plumbing services in the Lower Mainland, or just have a quick plumbing question – we’re here to help and look forward to doing so!